Pillow Talk

I found our sofa and chair on Craigslist. I love them. There is no way I could have afforded them any other way. The couple selling them moved into a new house and didn’t have room for the fantastic pair. Their loss. Our HUGE gain.

There is only one problem with them. I HATE the pillows. I hate the trim. I hate that the trim doesn’t match anything else in our home.
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The problem is that the sofa and oversized chair are so deep that the pillows are a must.

At first I thought about ripping them apart and making new ones, but I couldn’t find a fabric that I liked. And I was being lazy. I didn’t want to deal with the mess. Then I ran across this great pin on Pinterest! Duh! Just make a case for the pillows. When I get tired of them, I’ll just make another cover.

Here’s what I came up with … what do you think? I’m still trying to come up with an idea for the other four pillows I have.
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And then I finally got around to cutting down a cover I picked up at Ikea on a recent trip.

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I Have a Problem …

It usually starts like this: “Oh, my gosh! I have the GREATEST idea EVER!!” It usually ends with a trip to stores to pick up supplies, and then nothing. Yeah, I either never start that fantastic project, or I do and then it doesn’t go as planned.

This one started with an idea for one of my wedding showers. I didn’t want a guest book, because let’s face it. What do you do with the book after the big day? It just sits in storage. I had a brilliant idea for everyone to sign a quilt block instead. I used black and white because those were my wedding colors. Five years later it’s finally finished. Well, at least it’s pieced. Now I have to find someone to quilt it.

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The quilt pattern is called “in and out.” The finished blocks measure 7-inches square. There are a total of 143 blocks. There are 13 rows of 11 blocks each.

There’s just something comforting about a homemade quilt. It make me feel loved when I’m sick or lonely … cherished after a bad day, and safe when I’m scared. I think it’s because my grandmother loved to quilt and they always make me think of her.